maptalks.three be dependent on maptalks.js and three.js
npm i maptalks
# or
# npm i maptalks-gl
npm i three
npm i maptalks.three
pnpm i maptalks
# or
# pnpm i maptalks-gl
pnpm i three
pnpm i maptalks.three
yarn add maptalks
# or
# yarn add maptalks-gl
yarn add three
yarn add maptalks.three
maptalks-gl is maptalks webgl/webgpu version
If you like the UMD package, you can also do it
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- This is maptalks webgl version -->
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="[email protected]/dist/maptalks-gl.min.js"></script> -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="[email protected]/build/three.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
About Namespace
maptalks.three umd package namespace is maptalks
Mount all exported variables to maptalks
Incompatible changes
- three.js >=128 the default umd package is ES6 Discussion address
- Starting from version 0.16.0, the default umd package is ES6, To fit the new version of three.js about three umd package change
- If your running environment does not support ES6, we also provide ES5 version maptalks.three.es5.js, This requires the version of three.js <=128
Take Care
Due to the poor compatibility of Three.js, you may need to lock the version of Three.js when using it.
The official example currently uses version Three >=138, and there may be compatibility issues with future versions. As for whether there are any problems, I am not sure. If you encounter any problems, please submit an issue