GridLayer plugin for maptalks.js. A layer draws grids.
npm install maptalks.gridlayer
As a plugin, maptalks.gridlayer
must be loaded after maptalks.js
in browsers.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
var grids = [
center : [0, 0], // center of the grid
width : 100, // width of the grid cell
height : 100, // height of the grid cell
// unit of cell width/height, possible values:
// * projection : projected coordinate
// * meter : meters of geographic distance
// * degree : longtitude/latitude degrees
unit : 'projection',
cols : [-1, Infinity],
rows : [-2, 5],
data : [
//Each item is an array, arr[0] is cell idx on X axis, arr[1] is cell idx on Y axis, arr[2] is the data object, properties is data, symbol is cell style
[1, 2, { properties : { foo : 1, foo2 : 'foo' }, symbol : { ... } }],
//if arr[0] is an array, it means a range of cell on X axis, from cell[0][0] to cell [0][1]
[[2, 4] , 5, { symbo : {...} }] //[]
var options = {
symbol : {
lineWidth : 2
var gridLayer = new maptalks.GridLayer('grid', grids, options);
IE 9-11, Chrome, Firefox, other modern and mobile browsers.
is a subclass of maptalks.Layer and inherits all the methods of its parent.
new maptalks.GridLayer(id, data, options)
data **Object[] | Object** see data format below |
(fixed to 1 in gl renderer on windows due to ANGLE), lineColor
, polygonFill
, polygonOpacity
center : [0, 0], // center of the grid
width : 100, // width of the grid cell
height : 100, // height of the grid cell
// unit of cell width/height, possible values:
// * projection : projected coordinate
// * meter : meters of geographic distance
// * degree : longtitude/latitude degrees
unit : 'projection',
cols : [1, Infinity],
rows : [2, 5],
// data format
data : [
//[col, row, { properties : properties, symbol : symbol}]
//supported symbol properties : polygonFill, polygonOpacity
//col: col_index or [beginIndex, endIndex]
//row: col_index or [beginIndex, endIndex]
// col is 1, row is 2
[1, 2, { properties : { foo : 1, foo2 : 'foo' }, symbol : { polygonFill : '#f00' } }],
//col is from 2 to 4 (3 columns), row is 5
[[2, 4] , 5, { symbol : { polygonFill : '#f00' } }],
//col is from 2 to 4 (3 columns), row is from 7 to 8 (2 rows)
[[2, 4] , [7, 8], { symbol : { polygonFill : '#f00' } }]
getGrid(gridIndex = 0)
get layer’s grid value
Returns Object
setGrid(grid, gridIndex = 0)
set a new grid value to the layer
setGridData(data, gridIndex = 0)
update layer’s grid data
Returns this
redraw the layer
Returns this
If the layer is empty
Returns Boolean
clear the layer
Returns this
getGridExtent(gridIndex = 0)
Get grid’s geographic extent
Returns maptalks.Extent
GetCellAt(coordinate, gridIndex = 0)
Get cell index at coordinate
Returns Number[]
[col, row]
GetCellGeometry(col, row, gridIndex = 0)
Get cell’s geometry
Returns maptalks.Geometry
cell geometry
VisitAround(coordinate, cb, gridIndex = 0)
Visit data cells around given coordinate
identify(coordinate, gridIndex = 0)
Return cell index and cell geometry at coordinate
Returns Object
{ col : col, row : row, geometry : cellGeometry }
export the GridLayer’s JSON.
var json = gridlayer.toJSON();
Returns Object
We welcome any kind of contributions including issue reportings, pull requests, documentation corrections, feature requests and any other helps.
The only source file is index.js
It is written in ES6, transpiled by babel and tested with mocha and expect.js.
$ npm install
$ gulp watch
$ npm test
$ gulp tdd
$ gulp minify
$ npm run lint